One of the pains of being a designer is to design for a market place that just wants more of everything. The culture of maximalism stemming from a sense of not being or having enough. So we keep adding, art reflecting life... more... apartments or houses, more money, more cars, more partners, more sex, more goods, more of everything. Then we gather everything and put it in front of another human gatherer as prove of 'success'.

It is in this external 'success' gathering exercise that Trumpzillas prosper and grow into monsters of greed, power and control. With the rest of society lapping behind for the crumbs. We shall call this tribe THE MORES from here on, with Trumpzillas (usually psychopaths) leading the way, to illusions of 'success'. Oh you know who you are... hollow gathering machines with never ending to do lists!

So recently, I have been drawn towards nude colors, design, art, fashion... and the idea of going beyond minimalism where the naked truth is all but borrowed dust... Yes, including the pile you have gathered so ardently... Blow gently onto it and you will see a lifetime spent chasing dust.



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