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Polyamory seems to be the IN thing these days in the more liberal or dare I say ‘spiritual’ communities. It is explained to me that we have different needs (can’t expect one person to satisfy them all) and how selfish it is to think one owns another person. Oh and so most mammals are polygamous too! If you have not known this life changing fact yet… Ah the endless abyss of unmet needs! It’s like a black hole isn’t it… I wonder what happens if one’s needs are not met… instant combustion would be exciting. So if each and every need must be met by external sources, how much or many and for how long does it take to fill the vast emptiness? These liberated beings seem detached from concepts of trust or commitment but very attached to meeting their many needs.  While I think practicing restraint like fasting or quitting addictions are the real spiritual practices, it might be just easier to do what George Carlin said… ‘drop some of your bloody needs.’  And I say… What do temporal sp...

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